Friday, July 13, 2018

Kottayam pushpanath.......

Kottayam Pushpanath, The legend is no more. Malayalam' s most famous Detective and Crime Fiction writer died recently aged 80. He was one person who kindled my interest in crime and detective fiction. His famous creations are the detectives Marksin and Pushparaj. He gave us visions with Marzin's  scenes of Wine, Half a corona, the detectiv's favourite Cigar  with Roasted beef which Marksin used to consume in almost all the stories in general. He wrote more than 350 novels which were also translated extensively in Tamil. His stories used to come regularly in magazines like malayala manorama. My interest in these mags was to read and reread his stories. Here are some issues from 1970s including Issue#1 featuring Detective Marksin and some scenes from Malyala manoram weekly from 1977......


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